We're a radiata pine sawmill committed to sustainable forest management. BUSINESS AREAS LUMBER INDUSTRY We primarily saw and process pine lumber. WE HAVE A SELF MANAGED FOREST We can ensure a supply of wood to our sawmill and minimise the impact seasonal variation. WE BUY WOOD FROM YOUR LAND Our business spans buying standing timber to transporting it to its destination. RADIATA PINE Radiata pine is the most common species in the Basque Country, with more than 115 thousand hectares. 80,000 M³ WOOD SAWN 50,000 M³ DRYING CAPACITY 200,000 TN LOG MANAGEMENT Play Video NEWS Etorki apoya el campeonato de España de Ciclocross en Amurrio 07/02/2024 Federico Saiz Alonso, gerente de ETORKI: “En los bosques bien cuidados el riesgo de incendio es menor” 08/07/2022 ETORKI en la feria Carrefour du Bois 06/06/2022 1 2 Load more